This is the life of one kid that is a Congenital Heart Defect survivor and is battling through life with sensory integration disorder.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Graco Crib Recall
Anyhow... so we turned the news on and found out something .... the crib has been recalled. ( In fact in the link there is a picture of a crib and it's the exact crib they had.
How wonderful is that? Thank God we never had any problems. Both Micah and Benji used that crib until they moved up to the beds they are in now.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Busy Day

So, our Wednesday was a very busy day. We started off by going to speech and working on 'yes' or 'sure'. We are also pushing the beginning sounds of the words. Benji likes to ignore them and still expect us to know what he is saying. =]
After speech we decided to go to storytime at the public library. We got there a little early, so Benji kept himself busy while I picked out a couple books for him. (This Old Man: the counting song, Trupp: a fuzzhead tale, & Hush, little ones)
Once storytime started, Benji wasn't sure what to do. He did not want to sit still. And then there was alot of things to distract him in the room. Which he made sure to investigate.

Story time had things we didn't expect but made it all the better. The librarian read two books. (I think they were Figaro and then Grandma's Cat) The letter of the day was C. There were also a small show and tell where some of the kids brought things that started with C, like a cookie, can strainer, cake pan, costume, and clownfish. We will have to make sure to bring something with a D next week.
During the story time, Benji did start rocking while I was holding him. I am not sure if it was just he wanted down or the stimulation got to him. He did seem a bit glassy eyed.
After the reading they played music. It was a cow song, because it started with a C... LOL. They did sorta like a line dance and Benji had a blast. He absolutely LOVED it.

After the line dancing, the kids got coloring sheets featuring things that start with C. I really like the way storytime is set up. It's an actual learning time not just sit and listen and drive your mom crazy time. =]
So Benji colored and colored. And then he colored some more. He actually went back and forth between coloring and dancing for several minutes. It was so cute. After coloring they played a game that was a cross between mother may I and simon says. Hard to explain. Benji enjoyed mimicking the other kids. He was the youngest one there save one little girl that was only a month younger. She was able to do so much more than Benji. It's hard to realize that Benji has definite delays until we get around other children his age.

Anyhow, while we were attempting to leave the library Benji found the reading room and it had a couch in it like Nana's. So he decided he had to go see Nana... and we did. He got lunch at McD's first though. Chicken Nuggets and Fries with sweet tea. (We are southern ya know) At Nana's he played and had fun and gave hugs and seemed to come out of his hyperness. We left Nana's about 2:20p and by the time I got half a mile from her house he was dead to the world.
Once home he slept until about 5 and was grouchy when he woke up, but it quickly changed once we got dinner and then went to church. He loves his church. It is so cute.
But that was our Wednesday.

New Bed for Benji

Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Healing and Speech
So, that was that excitement.
I took pictures this weekend with the 35mm so, when I get them developed I will add. I prefer the quality of the 35, but the accessibility of digital... What's a girl to do?
There was the Football games on Saturday. We went to East Hickman, essentially Lyles, TN. It was about a 45 minute drive. Aside from no cell service and a creek that the boys were begging to go in, things were good. We brought the play pen for Benji, and realized that he's too big and can easily climb out of it. But it wasn't that bad and we were able to convince him to stay in with crayons. The Pee Wees and Minors lost badly, but our Majors won! (Britt and Kimmie cheer for the Majors.)
Sunday we had church and then went to the store. That wiped out our day. Benji really enjoys the nursery at DFA. It is outright amazing that I don't have to fight with him to stay. He enjoys it and is always ready to go. The rest of the kids enjoy it too, with Kimmie being a little angsty. She's nearly 13 though so I chalk it up to the age.
Monday we had a cookout with Nana and Papa. It was very fun and enjoyable. Benji and his brothers played very well and at one point Benji had gotten one of the girls' old Barbie computer and was showing Papa how to use it. I have a picture I will share once developed.
Tuesday we had speech. Britt went with us to figure out what was going on with her. I have always noticed some sort of slur when she was tired or speaking quietly but then when reading out loud it corrected most of the time. So while Benji eagerly ran into the speech room with Ms Laura, we stayed in the main room with Ms Kathleen. After maybe 5 minutes, Kathleen figured out that it was the shape of Britt's mouth.As she matures and gets the rest of her permanent teeth it may fully correct on it's own. She can how ever articulate correctly when it is needed so there is not really anything that we need to do at this time.
Back to Benji, he really enjoyed speech today. Kathleen's daughter was there because we had no school today being a in service day and he warmed up to her quickly. After a slow and quiet start, Benji started using many words.
Words:: uh-oh, mine, my turn, this, ball, momma, here, oh-no, Brittany, off, out, go, bye, see ya, yeah, no, meow, done, let's go
So... we are progressing... slowly but positively.