Friday, February 04, 2011

Cora's Law - Pulse Oximetry

I feel this is a perfect story to feature today. The life of little Cora is one that has made an impact.

When Cora was born, she was beautiful and looked perfect. Everything about her was beautiful and her parents were madly in love with her. When she was five days old their lives were shattered though because an undetected congenital heart defect took her life.

The road has been difficult for her parents, but Kristine and Ben have decided to bring awareness and to do what they can so that no other family has to find our about congenital heart defects from the coroner. I highly encourage you to visit Cora's Story and read her entire story.

Right now, I want everybody that reads this to forward to everybody they know in the state of Indiana. Because of Kristine's advocacy about screening for congenital heart defects and contacting state senators there is a bill currently in committee that will mandate pulse oximetry screening on every newborn in Indiana. (Indiana Senate Bill 552, authored by Senator Brent Waltz)

Kristine has a post about writing the senators that are reviewing this bill here... Writing Senators in Support of Bill 552  And you can read the bill here ... Indiana Senate Bill 552

For those of you that are not in Indiana, that does not stop you from writing your own state senators and letting them know how important the pulse oximetry screening is. While it does not detect EVERY heart defect, it detects more than doing nothing.

Take advocacy into your own hands and bring awareness to congenital heart defects.

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