Monday, December 08, 2008

Echo...ECho... Echo...

Okay... not funny. I know... It's still early to my brain.

We, Benji and I, are currently getting ready to go into Nashville.

Our first stop will be at Childrens Heart where we will see Dr. Hermo. This is Benji's six month echocardiogram. We got good news back in May, we are praying for even better news this go. He's been off of the propranolol since the May visit.

We are praying that Benji will be able to stay calm during the echo. With his Sensory Processing Disorder all the gel and the actual echo wand tickles him ALOT. It gets him worked up and he doesn't like to lay still for it.

The echo is at 10am.

After the echo we have Occupational Therapy at Bill Wilkerson. That appointment is at 1am. I am feeling sorry for Robyn. If Benji is predictable, he will be a handful for therapy.

Little man also has drainage and a cough. So... praying that clears up soon.

I will send an update as soon as I can!

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